‹ › 1/2 Land for sale in Santa Cruz, Metro Manila Makati, Metro Manila ₱ 110,000,000 441 m2 📍For Sale: South Ave corner Pablo Ocampo Sr Ext, Makati (Direct)Lot area: 441sqmVacant lotClassification: mixed useFAR 5For Sale for P110M grossAllie Sulit whatsapp/viber 📱0927914---- Allie Sulit Verified seller Call
‹ › 1/1 Land for Sale or Rent in Santa Cruz, Metro Manila Makati, Metro Manila ₱ 90,000,000 For Rent/Sale: South Ave corner Pablo Ocampo Sr Ext, Makati Vacant lotLot area: 441sqmClassification: mixed useFAR 5For Rent for P900/sqmBOOK A VIEWINGJoean GavinoHousingInteractive, Inc.Under REBL No. 0025255+63945883----Viber/WhatsApp Joean Gavino Verified seller Call
‹ › 1/1 Land for sale in Santa Cruz, Metro Manila Makati, Metro Manila ₱ 99,990,000 441 m2 *** For BUYERS ONLY ***South Avenue is a short extension of Ayala Avenue north of Metropolitan Avenue in Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines. It forms the border between the Manila South Cemetery to the east and Barangay Santa Cruz to the west, running for 805 meters (2,641 ft) in a southwest-northeast direction from its southern terminus at Metropolitan Avenue until at the intersection with J.P. Rizal... 27C Realty Verified seller Call
‹ › 1/16 Land for sale in Santa Cruz, Metro Manila Makati, Metro Manila ₱ 50,000,000 333 m2 For Sale Brgy Sta. Cruz MakatiLA 333 SqmResidential Lot onlyOne Way Oreintation South East12 meters frontage50M grossNear ShopwiseMapua Univesity Pablo Ocampo campusCherry LicupReb 00130730917772----/robert/ Cherry Licup Verified seller Call
‹ › 1/2 Land for sale in Santa Cruz, Metro Manila Makati, Metro Manila ₱ 77,200,000 386 m2 VACANT LOT FOR SALE IN Brgy. Sta. Cruz, MAKATI CITY HousingInteractive Inc. Verified seller Call
‹ › 1/1 Land for sale in Santa Cruz, Metro Manila Makati, Metro Manila ₱ 35,000,000 🔆Prime Makati Lot near Shopwise Chino Roces For Sale - ₱35,000,000 Gross(₱102,000 per sqm)LA: 343 sqmFeatures:• Lot with Old House• 260 meters away only from Shopwise MakatiRemarks: • Good for Land banking or residential devt• Very near P. Ocampo*FOR CLIENTS ONLY**DIRECT TO OWNER*⬇️More properties⬇️▪️ facebook.com/renzproperties▪️ instagram.com/renzpropertiesDM... Renz Ocampo Verified seller Call