Residential Lot with 1725 square-meter inside Corinthian Gardens, Quezon City

Metro Manila, Quezon City, Ugong Norte
Sale: ₱ 603,750,000
Full description

Listing ID: a8fa6903-69b4-4094-8824-3588b61e55a7

Land for sale in Ugong Norte, Metro Manila

Corinthian Gardens is an 80-hectare community located in Quezon City. The village is at the boundary of Quezon City and beside the central business district of Ortigas.

The community has its own drugstores, dental clinic, groceries, and gym facilities located at the clubhouse. You won't need to go outside the village to buy necessities.

The village has vigilant security for its residents. That way, future homeowners will give peace of mind and safety to those outsiders.

This plot of land has 1,725 sqm. and a semi-square shape developer cut. The lot has only 220 meter-distance from Gate 3. Which is beneficial for you to access Whiteplains Avenue and EDSA.

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Are you Filipino-Chinese or pure Pinoy believing in feng-shui principles?

The property is facing east means the direction of the sun rises, which indicates a bright future, expert says.

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Key features
  • Swimming pool Icon Swimming pool
  • Gym Icon Gym
  • Security Icon Security
  • Car park Icon Car park
  • Garden Icon Garden
  • Tennis court Icon Tennis court
  • Children's area Icon Children's area
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Details on Landlord Realty Development

Listing provided by Landlord Realty Development, City & Land Mega Plaza, Topaz Road, San Antonio, Pasig, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Landlord Realty Development has 508 other listings.

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