residential beach lot for sale in batangas
Batangas, Lian, Matabungkay
Sale: ₱ 1,800,000
Full description
Listing ID: b3509311-70a6-4e09-917b-662a2a049f09
Land for sale in Matabungkay, Batangas
hello po ito na po..
walking distance
South Coast
Sample Computation:
Phase 1A
Lot Area 120sqm
Lot Price 15,000/sqm
Option 1: SPO
Option 2: SPOT DP
20% Dwnpynmt.
Less 10%dscnt.
Less reserv fee. 10,000
80% balance.
2 yrs no interest
Monthly Amort for 5yrs
with 1st Year no
2nd yr to 5th yr. With 14% interest.
Monthly Amort for
10yrs with 1st year
no interest.
2nd to 10th yr with
14% interest.
South Coast
overview front beach
Sample Computation:
Phase 1
Lot Area 300sqm
Lot Price 11,200/sqm
Option 1: Spot TCP
TCP. 3,460,000
Less10%dscnt 336,000
Less Reserv Fee 10,000
Net Cash out. 3,114,000
Add:Misc Fee. 181,304
20% dwnpynmt. 692,000
Less10%dscnt. 69,200
LessReserv fee. 10,000
Net DP. 612,800
Add: Misc Fee. 196,788
80% Balance. 2,768,0000
Montly Amort for
2 yrs no interest. 115,334
Monthly for 5 yrs with
1st yr no interest 46,134
2nd yr to 5th yr with
14%interest. 51,525.22
Montly amort for 10yrs
with 1st year no
interest. 23,066.67
2nd to 10th year
with 14% interest 38,680
walking distance
South Coast
Sample Computation:
Phase 1A
Lot Area 120sqm
Lot Price 15,000/sqm
Option 1: SPO
Option 2: SPOT DP
20% Dwnpynmt.
Less 10%dscnt.
Less reserv fee. 10,000
80% balance.
2 yrs no interest
Monthly Amort for 5yrs
with 1st Year no
2nd yr to 5th yr. With 14% interest.
Monthly Amort for
10yrs with 1st year
no interest.
2nd to 10th yr with
14% interest.
South Coast
overview front beach
Sample Computation:
Phase 1
Lot Area 300sqm
Lot Price 11,200/sqm
Option 1: Spot TCP
TCP. 3,460,000
Less10%dscnt 336,000
Less Reserv Fee 10,000
Net Cash out. 3,114,000
Add:Misc Fee. 181,304
20% dwnpynmt. 692,000
Less10%dscnt. 69,200
LessReserv fee. 10,000
Net DP. 612,800
Add: Misc Fee. 196,788
80% Balance. 2,768,0000
Montly Amort for
2 yrs no interest. 115,334
Monthly for 5 yrs with
1st yr no interest 46,134
2nd yr to 5th yr with
14%interest. 51,525.22
Montly amort for 10yrs
with 1st year no
interest. 23,066.67
2nd to 10th year
with 14% interest 38,680
Key features
Land area: 120 m2
Swimming pool
Panoramic view