Flood Free Residential lot in Loyola Grand Villas (LGV)

Metro Manila, Quezon City, Pansol
Sale: ₱ 47,180,000
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Listing ID: c0d87f8e-3c16-43c0-aad9-a7e45a448625

Land for sale in Pansol, Metro Manila

Loyola Grand Villas is one of the premier residential communities in Marikina City. The community has well-maintained plants and full-grown trees so you benefit from fresh air and a rural-like living.

This 674 square-meter wide end lot is elevated that you can see the part of Marikina and Rizal once you construct a 2-3 storey house in it. This property has a 282 m distance from the active fault. So you could have peace of mind that there's no ground rupture in it.

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Details on Landlord Realty Development

Listing provided by Landlord Realty Development, City & Land Mega Plaza, Topaz Road, San Antonio, Pasig, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Landlord Realty Development has 508 other listings.

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