2 bedroom Houses for Sale in Malabanias, Pampanga

3 results found

Malabanias house Market insight

The median list price for houses in Malabanias is ₱ 18,262,734. The median list price has gone down by 0.0% over the last year. The median list price per square meter for houses in Malabanias is ₱ 66,945 per sqm.
The median rent price for houses in Malabanias is ₱ 90,761.
Search from 3 2 bedroom houses for sale in Malabanias using Dot Property’s fast and easy search tools. Save this search to receive emails when new 2 bedroom houses are listed in Malabanias. Popular developments for sale in Malabanias include Icon Residences, Coast Residences and Alder Residences by DMCI Homes. Average asking price for 2 bedroom houses in Malabanias is ₱ 20,860,000. Home buyers searching for their next 2 bedroom property in Malabanias can also speak to the many agents listing real estate in Malabanias.