About Amaia Scapes Cabanatuan
Amaia Scapes Cabanatuan promises a thriving community for your family. It is highly accessible through various means of transportation making everything within reach. A right investment for your hard earned money making you feel safe and secure.A development accentuated with features and amenities which your family will truly enjoy. Have a relaxing moment in the patio green or jog in the three-lined spine road. Create bonding moments with your friends in the swimming pool and basketball court.
Amaia Scapes Cabanatuan is a house project developed by Amaia Land, Amaia Scapes Cabanatuan at Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija has the following facilities: Swimming pool, Security, Car park and Garden.
Aduas Centro, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija
- Swimming pool
- Security
- Car park
- Garden
About the developer
Amaia Land has also developed projects such as Amaia Scapes Batangas, Amaia Scapes Bauan, and Amaia Scapes San Pablo.
Amaia is the affordable housing arm of Ayala Land. Since 2010, Amaia have helped many hardworking Fi… Read more
Amaia is the affordable housing arm of Ayala Land. Since 2010, Amaia have helped many hardworking Fi… Read more
Other projects nearby
There are a number of other House developments located in the area of Amaia Scapes Cabanatuan including:
- BellaVita Cabanatuan - within 1,757 m
- Ajoya Cabanatuan - within 3,569 m
- Avida Settings Cabanatuan - within 5,080 m
Room types / prices
There are 15 houses for sale in Amaia Scapes Cabanatuan available from ₱1,671,442 to ₱2,600,000