The Grove by Rockwell Studio Unit C5 Ortigas, Pasig Condominium Philippines

Metro Manila, Pasig, Ugong
Sale: ₱ 4,000,000
Condo for sale in Ugong, Metro Manila
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Listing ID: 91afbb3a-ee11-4feb-9f9e-1b3de2972049

Condo for sale in Ugong, Metro Manila


Move in to the promised complete Rockwell Lifestyle in Pasig, ready for you now.

Find comfort in busy Metro Manila by moving into a cozy condominium unit near Ortigas that elevates your passions, keeps you close to your work, and gives you room to live and grow as a family. Experience independence in your lifestyle choices, mobility, and leisure with accessible amenities within the area. Stay fit at The Grove’s gym, take a jog around the Great Lawn, or browse various shops found within the Retail Row. Meet a diverse Rockwell community near you, and socialize in a secure, exclusive environment. The Grove by Rockwell is your new home, ready for occupancy, right at the heart of Pasig City.


The Grove is more than just a practical and convenient condo for sale in Pasig City. It’s a space where careers and passions are supported by every part of The Grove’s development. Rooms are spaces that encourage creativity and productivity to grow. While the Retail Row and shared amenities are hubs where community members can meet and engage in social interactions with other residents. Living in The Grove means living in a metropolitan area near business centers, commercial districts, and schools.
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