There are two types of people in this world: those who are lucky enough to find the roommate of their dreams and those who are stuck in a real-life nightmare. Incompatibility is often the number one cause of dilemma with a roommate. It can be because your roommate has a foul character that you just cannot stomach or perhaps, you are not fit to have a roommate. Either way, getting stuck with a roommate that you don’t like can cause a lot of stress.
To help you untangle your roommate dilemma we collected some of the things that you should remember when trying to find a great roommate.
Step 1: Decide if having a roommate is good for you
As mentioned, there are people who are not meant to have roommates. It’s not because you’re a bad at social interactions, maybe it’s because you prefer to be alone? You have friends and all but at the end of the day you just want to go home to an empty room without anyone bothering you. You have to ask yourself first if getting a roommate is something that is truly ok with you.
Step 2: Take a look at your living habits
Do you sleep with the lights on or lights off? Do you prefer silence over loud music? How about your work shift? How early do you rise or how late? Finding out your living habits can help you find out what type of person you want to live with.
Step 3: Start the search
The easiest way to find a roommate is through your friends. Ask them if they are open to the idea of living with you. Having a personal friend as a roommate can lessen the stress of moving in since you already know each other. But remember that a friend is different to a roommate. Make sure that you choose a friend that you can definitely live with and comfortable enough to bare all your home habits with.
Your friends can also help you get in touch with acquaintances who are also trying to find a roommate. They can give you the said prospect’s contact details and help you set a meeting with them. An added bonus is that you can already ask your friend what the prospect is like.
Another way to find a roommate is to announce it to your social media. Post a status on Facebook or tweet about it. Ask your friends to share it so that more people could see it. Add a gallery of photos of your chosen apartment/unit so that the post will look more inviting and people who sees it will have an idea on where they’re going to live.
Step 4: Get to know the person
Once you finally have roommate prospect, spare a time o get to know him or her. Interview them and ask them about their living habits, their previous roommates, and so on. Keep an eye on any red flags that are coming through and find out in yourself if you can easily deal with those.
Step 5: Money talks
Compatibility is not only the issue that you have to face when getting a roommate. You also have to think about the rent. Make sure that the roommate that you’re going to choose has the financial capability to pay for rent. Find out if your prospect has a stable job and not one of those people who shifts jobs – and roommates – just for the heck of it. You don’t want to be left alone paying the rent on your own.
Step 6: Find a place that works
Now that you have finally chosen your roommate, it’s time to find the place that works best for you. If you two have bit of spare money, you can opt for a home that has two bedrooms. This way, you two can have your own personal havens. You can also opt for a studio type and design it together! Make sure to go to our portal for great rental options.
Step 7: Set rules
Of course, you and your new roommate will always be different. Setting ground rules for your common turf can be helpful in maintaining a great relationship with your roommate.
Having a roommate can help you hone your social skills and pakikisama character. Make sure that the roommate that you choose can be someone who is dependable both emotionally and financially.