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6 Signs That Will Convince You to Upgrade Your Home

We are four months away from the end of 2016 – and yet you still haven’t renovated or upgraded your home. Maybe it’s because you’re too busy or you have no idea where to start. Or maybe you’re still trying to find a reason why you need an upgrade. Redesigning your house is not an easy feat after all.

Still not convinced that you should renovate your home? To help you make a wise decision, below are some of the reasons why you should definitely make a home upgrade.

1. Your furniture is becoming less comfortable

You’re watching Netflix then as you recline to the sofa that you bought in 2010, it jabs against your back. It hurts right? Maybe you can have more fun watching your favorite shows when you have better and more comfortable new furniture.

2. You’re embarrassed when someone visits

For some reason you get anxiety whenever someone visits your home. You’re afraid that your friend might judge the molding carpet in your kitchen floor or the fading wallpaper in your living room.

3. The house feels too dark

It’s still early in the morning and yet your home feels too dark and too dusky already. Maybe you need to hole up your wall to create a new window. Or maybe you need to buy a new set of lighting fixtures. Anyway, your house feeling a little bit dark means that you need to add a bit of color to it.

4. You haven’t upgraded your living room for a decade

When is the last time that you renovated your living room? If the answer is almost a decade ago, then it’s definitely time for an upgrade. There are certain styles that were a hit 10 years ago that do not simply fit in today’s trends.

5. Your family got bigger

If you are starting out a family, then it’s time to get rid of any signs of your bachelor/bachelorette years. Renovate your home into something that will truly fit this new phase in your life.

6. Your personal style changed

People change. Alongside this change of persona comes the change of your style preference. You can feel a bit out of place in your home when it no longer fits your personal style. Alienation in your own home is never healthy. It’s time to reclaim your own space and let it speak for the true you.

Feeling a bit lazy about renovating. Take baby steps instead – you don’t have to majorly change your home in a snap. Below are some minor and super easy renovations that you can do in less than a day.




Upgrade your home before the year ends. We are sure that you’ll definitely won’t regret it.