Listing your home, condominium, land or commercial real estate on Dot Property Philippines is the best way to sell property fast. But did you know there is a way to reach potential buyers even quicker using our website? It’s true.
All listings on Dot Property Philippines are placed in one of three categories: Featured, Premium and Standard. Featured listings appear at the top of all search results, Premium listings show up after these and standard listings follow. While all three are options are good, having a listing appear towards the top of the search results increases the chances of it being seen.
We have now made upgrading Standard listings to Featured and Premium ones easier than ever before. Thanks to our new e-commerce platform, you can pay to upgrade single listings immediately or sign up for a Subscription Plan that gives you the ability to upgrade multiple listings at once throughout the year. This can all be done from your dashboard, giving you the freedom to promote your listing on Dot Property the best way you see fit.
How it works

Listing upgrades can now be purchased online either through credits or our Subscription Plans. Each one offers something different allowing you to find a solution to sell property fast.
If you prefer a more bespoke approached to upgrading your listings, you can purchase credits that provide you with customisation. Once the credits have been bought, you choose what listings on Dot Property Philippines you promote. Credits are also the only way to upgrade a listing to the Featured position online. Our research found that Featured listings are 40 times more likely to be seen when compared with standard listings. This high profile spot usually leads to more enquiries and ultimately faster sales.
Special offer: Anyone buying 1,000 or more credits will receive free credits.
Subscription Plans

If you are a large real estate agency or have a large inventory of properties you are looking to sell, our Subscription Plans are the ideal way to get your listings seen. There are three plans available so you are sure to find one that best suits your needs.
With each plan, you will have the ability to upgrade and downgrade Premium listings at any time without limitation. A Premium listing is ten times more likely to be seen during a search on the website, meaning this is a vital tool to get your properties in front of more clients. Please note, Subscription Plans only include Premium listing upgrades at this time.
Sell property fast at Dot Property Philippines
If you are serious about getting your listings seen, you can mix and match credits and Subscription Plans to maximise your visibility. Simply log in to your dashboard to get started.
Of course, if you want even more customisation, including content marketing and events, get in touch with Dot Property Philippines today!
Click here for more information on how you can boost your marketing