Every individual in the world has probably encountered situations that are just too stressful. Beating the deadlines, studying for the exams, maintaining good relationships with other people. These factors can contribute to an individual’s added stress that can lead to many diseases, both mental and physical.
That’s why it’s important that after a hard day’s work, we come home to a relaxing sanctuary where an individual can just heal all your bruises and recharge for the next day. Our home must be the place where we can let our hair loose and just be ourselves.
But why is it that every time you go home you still feel stress and tired? If this is the case, then you need to re-think your house’s deco and vibe and give it a major makeover. Incorporating relaxation to your home is as easy as one two three. Spare a time on your busy schedule to do the following steps in turning your home to a chill place.
1. Add a Jacuzzi or a pool

It’s summer here in the Philippines. God knows how much tiring it is to battle out the hot weather during this season. It’s important to take a break from all the pressure and just untie those knots on your back. Fortunately, you no longer have to leave your home if you want to take a quick dip on the pool. You can install a soothing Jacuzzi or a pool if you have a bit of space. If you don’t want to think about constructing your own, then why not choose a house that already has one. Or better yet, choose condominiums that has a pool as one of their amenities. Happy swimming!
2. De-clutter
It’s hard to relax when your house is a hot mess. Clothes thrown on the floor, unwashed dishes, and spoiled food on the table won’t exactly put you in a relax mood. It will only make you feel restless and ultimately, dirty. The next Saturday that you have a me-time, do your house a favor and clean up. Throw away clothes and other stuff that you no longer need. Take time to re-arrange your bookshelf. Change your bed’s sheets. After all of these, you’ll feel way more re-energized and relaxed.
3. Repaint

Did you know that if the color of your bedroom is red you will have a hard time sleeping? The color red represents energy and it will only get your heart racing. It will be better to put a bit of red to your home office or library to channel those energy to your work. Repaint your room to soft palette like soft pink and blue, or muted grays or brown, or warm yellow.
4. Nature-fy
Add a soothing effect on your home by adding potted plants to your home. It can be a mini cactus or a huge vase of flowers. Plants are good in giving relaxation to your home. It’s also a way for you to be in touch with nature, something that is not easy to do if you live in the bustling city.
5. Cozy reading nooks

When was the last time that you read a good book? Reading a book will not only sharpen your mind, it can also help you feel relax. If you’re having a hard time reading in your bed or on your desk, then why not create a cozy reading nook? It can be at the corner of your living room or at the foot of your bed. Just throw in a soft rug and surround it with pillows in calming colors like soft blue. Your reading nook can also turn into a space where you can watch a Netflix show or take a sudden, quick nap in the middle of the afternoon.
6. Attack the senses
Light up some candle when you get home. Scented candles will set the tone for your house and fill it with an irresistible scent. Try scents on both cinnamon and vanilla, whatever type of smell you please. You should also use your chosen candles for decoration opportunities. Find candles in color that suit the theme and style of your whole house. You can also use air fresheners as an alternative to candles.
7. Sounds cool
Aside from your eyes and the nose, your home should also please your ears. Play some soothing music when you do your household chores like cooking and cleaning. It will help you get in the right mood and put the boredom away as you finish your tasks.
8. Add some art

Paintings and other forms of visual art are not only there to show your friends how cultured and intelligent you are. Visual art can also fill your home with calmness that you can’t find anywhere else. Put a painting of an ocean to induce some calming sea-vibes or an artsy photo of the mountains. Not only are you spreading good vibes to your home, you’re also making your space look so cool.
9. Lighting

Another important factor to consider is the lighting. Strategic lighting can get you to the right mood. Pro tip: do not put your lighting on a single source. Instead, scatter them all over your home so you can easily control them, anytime, anywhere.

Natural lighting is also very important. Natural lighting offers relaxation and calmness to our brain. You can also save energy if you turn those lights during daytime and bask on the light coming from the outside. So do not forget to open those windows when day light is still out. Bask in the sunshine and let positivity enter your home. Find a property that has open spaces and a lot of opportunity for sunlight. Check out our portal to see that type of home right away!
There you have it. You no longer have the excuse on being stress in your home. Do a major makeover to your home today!