Dot Property Philippines

Your real estate goals for 2018


New year, new goals. It’s always refreshing to start the new year with a set of goals to tick off and complete. This 2018, we challenge you to complete the following real estate and finance goals and have a more awesome and fruitful year.

Clear off debt

You won’t be able to truly focus on your down payment and mortgage if you still have debt hanging on your back. Finish your debt and save your credit score for more loan and finance opportunities.

Buy your own place

Yes, renting is practical especially for those who are still uncertain on where their careers will take them. But nothing beats the feeling of owning your very first home, may it be a house and lot in a suburban area, or a stylish condominium unit in Metro Manila. It’s time to make mature and riskier investment this 2018.

Repaint and redecorate

Nothing says new year than a total home makeover. A simple repainting or a change in furniture can do wonders to your home, mood, and whole year.

Invest on insurance

You will never know when disaster strikes. Invest on insurance just in case flood or fire happen at your home.

Pay mortgage on time

It’s always good for your credit if you pay your mortgage on time. When you receive your monthly salary, remember to set aside a portion for your mortgage right away.

Try other real estate investment

It’s time to put your money on something that will help you gain more earnings. Trying out other real estate investment such as renting and condominium stock ownership can give you fruitful finances this year.