With January nearly in the books, there are now only 11 months for you to reach your goals this year. For those of you that are surpassing expectations, congrats and keep up the hard work. And to those who have struggled to hit the ground running, keep your chin up because there is still a lot of time left in 2019.
Here are a few real estate agent tips for 2019. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but hopefully the pointers here can either jump start your year or allow you to build on what’s already been accomplished.
Real estate agent tips 2019
1) Get out there
You won’t find new clients by sitting behind the desk and waiting for them to walk in the door. Be proactive and get your name out there. Networking events come in all shapes and sizes and can be the ideal place to find future clients. Promoting yourself via social media is also a good way to increase your exposure in front of an audience who may not be familiar with your work.
2) Move online
No, we’re not talking about simply having a website. You need to get your listings on Dot Property. More people are starting their home search and enquiring about properties on our network of websites. Both local and domestic property seekers utilise our platform ensuring you can reach a massive audience. Real estate agents who use Dot Property continue to record more inquires and enjoy more success.
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3) Reach out to your client list
You likely have hundreds of happy clients, but when was the last time you spoke to them? This is a great time to give them a call and see how they are doing. They will appreciate the bespoke care and you have a chance to ask them some targeted questions such as if they plan on moving anytime soon or if they are considering a real estate investment.
4) Learn a new skill
Don’t be afraid to learn a new skill this year as it could help you stand out from the competition. This could be anything from taking classes to improve your social media skills to learning a new language. It may not be easy, but these skills always pay off in the end.
These real estate agent tips 2019 were brought to you by Dot Property. Dot Property is Southeast Asia’s fastest growing online marketplace. We’ve helped countless agents, developers, homebuyers, renters and more since 2013. Learn more about us.