Rainy Season Diseases: Tips To Prevent Them

The rainy season is officially here. Aside from relentless and annoying pests, the rainy season also means that different seasonal diseases are about to arrive. Thanks to the constant weather changes and flood, the human body becomes more sensitive to dangerous bacteria and viruses.

Tips to prevent rainy season diseases

A way in which you can avoid getting these pesky diseases is through making sure that your home is free from all of the ways in which these diseases may enter. You better grab that broom and start cleaning! Below are some of the most common rainy season diseases and how you can prevent them from entering your home.

1. Dengue

The most common rainy weather disease in the Philippines, dengue fever may cause high fever, vomiting, bleeding, skin rashes, and muscle pains to anyone who has it.

Prevention: It’s actually quite easy to avoid this disease. Make sure that your home is air-conditioned or well-screened. Also do not forget to use insect repellent during the afternoon. Also make sure that there are no stagnant water lying around the house. Stagnant water is the common place where mosquitoes breed.

2. Leptospirosis

Flood is a common woe that Filipinos face during rainy season. One of the nastiest diseases that we can get from flood is leptospirosis. Caused by any contact with animal urine or any bodily fluids, leptospirosis often lead to death.

Prevention: It’s simple: keep the flood out of your house. Make sure that the community that you’re living in has a proper drainage system or it’s located at a high land. If flood is unavoidable, ensure that your house has a second floor where you and your family can move in to in case the flood starts coming in. Sick of flood? Then why don’t you find a new home that will ensure safety for the whole family? Check out our portal to search for a flood-free home.

3. Cholera

Aside from leptospirosis, flooding can also cause cholera, a disease that comes from contaminated water. Symptoms of cholera include rapid dehydration, watery stools, and vomiting.

Prevention: Food can contaminate the water that we get in the faucet. It’s for the best if you buy mineral and sterilized water from the store. It will also help if you get rid of any pests that may enter your home.

4. Cold and cough

Another common diseases, cold and cough is frequent to younger children. This minimal flu may lead to more serious diseases such as sinusitis, ear infection, and bronchitis.

Prevention: Cold and cough are often caused by the changing weather. Keep your home warm, well-ventilated, and well adjusted to the infrequent climate. Always have good water available to keep you and your family hydrated all throughout the whole season.

Rule of thumb in keeping your home diseases-free: keep unwanted water out. And also, cleaning up everyday will do miracles to the health of your family. Always remember that prevention is better than cure. It’s better to be safe than sorry in this season where virus and infection are everywhere.