It’s already June which means now is time to get your umbrella and favorite raincoat out from storage. Rainy season is here and ends the tremendous heat that the summer brought. Though it can be nice to feel a little chill in the air, rainy season in the Philippines can also be dangerous. Our country is known for being a target of major typhoons including the strongest one to ever hit Asia, Yolanda. The devastation it brought was unthinkable. Being prepared for the coming months is vital in surviving another typhoon. Below are some things you should prepare for the upcoming rainy season.
Create a ‘survival kit’
Prepare an easy to grab survival kit where you can store the following emergency necessities:
- Flashlight with batteries
- Fully charged power banks
- Candles and matches
- Bottled water
- Transmitter radio
- Canned goods
- Medicines
- First aid kits
Also, do not forget to list down all the important emergency hotlines.
Clean the gutters
Your gutter catches rainfall that can cause flooding or become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. If your home stands near the gutter, then take time to clear the debris and other components that may be stuck there. Spray your gutter from the bottom to the top using a hose.
Seal windows and doors
Water from the rain can get inside your home if the windows and doors are not properly sealed. Check if your doors and windows need to be sealed or if there are any gaps between the hinges.
Prepare for a flood
Floods are common during the rainy season. To prepare, make sure your important furniture and electronics are located far from windows and doors. Move electronics and furniture to higher parts of the house when the water rises. Another tip is to put sandbags around the house to keep the floodwaters at bay.
Get a house insurance
The damage a typhoon can do can end up costing you a lot. Rebuilding and repairing a damaged home is an expensive process. Purchase house insurance to cover your home not only from flood or typhoon damage but also fire.