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Here’s how you can get irresistible photos of your luxury property

irresistible photos for your luxury property

Getting irresistible photos for your luxury property is vital if you want to bring in leads and eventually sell the place. And yet this is something many real estate agents cut corners on by using traditional methods.

Simply put, photographs that work for your ordinary condo, house or villa won’t be effective for an extraordinary luxury property. You need to put in a little extra effort and get irresistible photos for your luxury property on the market.

Not sure where to start? We have you covered. Here are some keys to getting irresistible photos for your luxury property.

Related: Make your listings more effective by doing these 4 things

3 keys to getting irresistible photos for your luxury property

1) Hire a professional

Hiring a professional photographer is always worth the investment when it comes to selling a luxury property. You’re asking people to pay a premium for the best, so it is important to approach marketing the condo, house or villa accordingly. That starts by having a professional come in and take irresistible photos for your luxury property. This really is a no brainer.

2) Don’t clutter the property

To furnish or not to furnish? That is an interesting question you’ll face when thinking about getting photographs of a luxury property. The best way to approach this is by going minimal. Don’t leave the unit completely empty, but don’t fully furnish it either. Finding a middle ground ensures viewers have a reference point for its size while allowing them to use their imagination in terms of potential style.

3) Think about lighting

Not even a professional photographer can save the pictures if you pick a time when the lighting is bad. Natural light is usually preferred when shooting a property so you will want to do this during the day. If the lighting isn’t great when taking pictures, you can look at retouching them. However, this doesn’t always work.