Ghost Month – a game of defense and offense

The first day of every seventh Chinese lunar month marks the beginning period of when suffering spirits return to Earth to visit decedents whilst enjoying large feasts.

This year Ghost Month falls between the dates of 3 – 31 August 2016 and it’s no surprise that with suffering spirits along comes, well, suffering too. During this period, it’s believed that bad luck casts a shadow over daily life events therefore everyone is advised to exercise precaution in order to avoid unwanted attention from roaming spirits.

Small and simple actions such as opening an umbrella indoors or whistling on a quiet street during the night to much larger life events like a wedding or home purchase are all frowned upon due to the possibility of misfortune.

ghost monthAlthough not everyone believes in the repercussions that are associated with Ghost Month, the Philippine market is consistently affected each year – investments in the stock market drop, building constructions come to a halt and property purchases slow down.

At first glance, Ghost Month appears to negatively impact the real estate business in the Philippines but it’s quite the contrary. Just because purchases aren’t happening as much during this period, does not mean potential investors aren’t taking advantage of this time to greatly research their next acquisition come early September.

It is prudent that developers and real estate agents alike, place emphasis on their advertising efforts during Ghost Month to target a highly motivated audience that are seemingly lurking behind the scenes, browsing the best deals and listings whilst anxiously waiting to pounce on their next investment.

And – as a buyer on the sidelines during Ghost Month, you will truly be able to sit back, relax and research the best property investments that meet your interests without the pressure of a quick sale looming overhead.

Ghost month offers the best time to play offense as a seller and the best time for a little offense as a buyer.

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About the author

Katilyn is the Junior Editor at Dot Property. Originally from the United States of America, Katilyn now lives as an expatriate in the bustling city of Bangkok, Thailand. Between managing magazine publications, she also writes lifestyle and news content focused on Asia's emerging property markets. Send all of your news, views, press releases and comments to her at