The rainy season can make anyone feel a bit blue. A home makeover is a quick fixer upper that will elevate any mood. Brightening your interior can make your home happier and even more spacious. Moreover, more natural light can also decrease your energy usage, cheering up your wallet in the process. Here are some simple ways to brighten up any room in your home.
The easiest way to brighten up a home is to repaint it. Replace those drab, dark hues with a brighter and cheerier color. White paint is always nice while a yellow is a sure way to brighten up your space.
Use sheer curtains
The thicker the curtains, the darker a home will be so opt for something that’s light. Sheer curtains let in a bit of light even though it’s dark outside. Layer your curtains with double sided rods and sheer curtains hanging in the back to add more privacy.
Mirror, mirror
Mirrors not only add an illusion of space, they can also make your interior brighter. Mirrors reflect light so it’s better to put one facing a window to catch those early morning sun rays.
Opt for light colored furniture
Search for light colored furniture instead of darker pieces. Light color palettes for your home trinkets actually create a more vibrant in your home.
Keep tall items away from windows
Those towering bookshelves and plants may be blocking the light from entering your home. Put large furniture away from the window to avoid obstructing light from entering.
Clean up
It’s probably the easiest thing to do on this list. Cleaning up will brighten up any room in your home. Dust the place, change the sheets and scrub the marks off the wall. It will make your home brighter and make you feel better.