Click here to download your copy of the Dot Property Group Phuket Real Estate Market Update!
Real estate demand in Phuket surged during both July and August as the island gears up for what will hopefully be the strongest high season since 2019. With no entry restrictions in place, there is optimism arrival numbers will be closer to what was seen pre-pandemic. This would have a massive knock-on effect on the property market which has historically been reliant on tourism.
The Dot Property Group Phuket Property Market Update provides an overview of the current situation using data collected from our network of leading websites. We gathered information as it related to both the rental and sales market to get a better understanding of demand for property throughout the region.
When we say demand, we are referring to inquiries made by a person through one of our sites. In our view, this captures a tangible act of interest which can be used to represent a form of demand.
This report explores what buyers are searching for on the Phuket property market including the most popular condo and villa types by price and size. These insights provide a glimpse into both where the situation has been and where it could be heading in the months to come.
Download your copy of the report today!