If you haven’t entered the Dot Property Awards yet, now is the time to do so. The deadline for entries has been extended providing you with the chance to join Southeast Asia’s most exciting awards series.
The Dot Property Awards 2021 are free to enter and it takes roughly 5-10 minutes to complete the entire process. You can get started by visiting the Dot Property Awards entry form page. All registration and judging activities are being carried out following strict safety measures and in line with government regulations.
Enter the Dot Property Awards 2021 today!
New dates for this year’s presentation ceremonies announced
Dot Property Awards presentation ceremonies have been postponed until later on in the year to accommodate in-person events. The Dot Property Vietnam Awards will now take place on September 9th while the Dot Property Philippines Awards are slated for November. Meanwhile, the Dot Property Thailand Awards presentation ceremony is tentatively set for December 9th.
The decision to reschedule all three events was made in accordance with government policy and what is best for public safety. Dot Property will continue to diligently monitor the ongoing situation and provide updates on a continuing basis.
Enter the Dot Property Awards today!
Time is running out to enter the Dot Property Awards 2021. If you want to be considered, it’s important to submit your entry in today. Don’t delay, click on the link below to get started.
Enter the Dot Property Awards 2021 today!