January is always the best time to clean your whole house. Cleaning your house shouldn’t only include sweeping the floor or changing the curtains. It also means that you should throw away all those unnecessary clutters hiding at the corners of your home. Hanging on to old and useless things can be bad for your psyche. It’s time to let go and start fresh this new year. Here’s a quick list of items that you should now throw away.
Old clothes
Throw away those clothes that you no longer wear or no longer fits you. Donate them to charities instead of letting them rot to your closet.
Unwanted toiletries
Do you have a collection of unopened toiletries from your recent travels? Even though it’s fun to get reminded of the fun travels that you had, collecting unwanted toiletries just take too much space. Give some of the expensive ones to your friends or also give it away to those who are in need.
Old magazines and newspapers
Magazines and newspapers are potential fire hazards. You can actually make money from getting rid of your magazine and newspaper collection. You can sell them to junk shops per kilo or create recycled items like baskets and bags out of them.
Worn out beddings and towels
Treat yourself to something new and luxurious. Buy new beddings and towels and feel instantly refreshed for the new year.
Plastic containers
Every Filipino home has extra plastic containers lying around their home. They are unnecessary and takes too much space in your kitchen cabinets. Donate them to eco friendly organic markets so that they can be recycled.
Receipts that you don’t need
Throw away receipts and other paper clippings that you no longer need. No longer seeing random clutters at your home will definitely make this new year a lot better.