How many photos do you need for a great property listing

How many photos do you need for a great property listing?

How many photos do you need for a great property listing? It is a question we get asked quite a bit here at Dot...
real estate agents finish 2022 strong

4 tips to help real estate agents finish 2022 strong

August is a lull period for most real estate agents, especially ones based in Southeast Asia. Ghost Month in some countries sees local buyers...
Christie's International Real Estate

Christie’s International Real Estate excited by Asia Pacific’s luxury market

Christie’s International Real Estate is increasing its presence in Asia Pacific with the addition of two new affiliates in Japan and Thailand. Zackary Wright,...
irresistible photos for your luxury property

Here’s how you can get irresistible photos of your luxury property

Getting irresistible photos for your luxury property is vital if you want to bring in leads and eventually sell the place. And yet this...
Sell Property Fast with Dot Property Philippines

Be seen, sell fast with Dot Property Philippines

Listing your home, condominium, land or commercial real estate on Dot Property Philippines is the best way to sell property fast. But did you...
apps real agents need real estate services in the Philippines

5 apps real agents need to succeed (and 1 bonus app)

As a real estate agent, your mobile devices are essential for getting business done. Apps can save you time and money, however, finding the...
Holiday season

Holiday season doesn’t need to be a down season for real estate agents

It’s that time of year again. Christmas decorations are going up and people are beginning to focus on the upcoming festive period. For real...
real estate agent difficult client

3 tips for real estate agents working with a difficult client

Most of your clients will be pleasant to work with. They have an idea of what they want and will rely on you to...
qualified property sales lead

What is a qualified property sales lead?

There is a bit of confusion surrounding what is a qualified property sales lead these days. Some of that stems from the fact different...
real estate agents tips

4 tips for real estate agents working with international clients

Real estate agents that work with international clients face a lot of unique challenges. Local property seekers are likely going to have totally different...

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