Make your listings more effective

Make your listings more effective by doing these 4 things

Listings are the lifeblood of your business. They are the first point of contact most people have with a property. What they see and...
selling affordable homes and condos

The keys to selling affordable homes and condos

We have previously covered the do’s and don’ts of selling a million dollar home. But what about the opposite? Many real estate agents have...
Is Southeast Asia the next China in terms of outbound real estate investment

The next China? ASEAN demand for overseas luxury real estate could soar

The influx of Chinese real estate investment globally took many by surprise. In 2016 alone, buyers from China accounted for USD 101.4 billion in...
real estate agents need to be active during Ghost Month

3 reasons real estate agents need to be active during Ghost Month

Real estate agents need to be active during Ghost Month or risk falling behind the competition. This year’s festivities span from August 8 to...
Tips to help make your property listing standout

3 tips to make your property listing standout

One question we get asked frequently at Dot Property is; how can I get more people to view my listing? In some areas, the...
apps real agents need real estate services in the Philippines

5 apps real agents need to succeed (and 1 bonus app)

As a real estate agent, your mobile devices are essential for getting business done. Apps can save you time and money, however, finding the...
real estate agents tips

4 tips for real estate agents working with international clients

Real estate agents that work with international clients face a lot of unique challenges. Local property seekers are likely going to have totally different...

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