Dot Property Philippines

5 tips to succeed and increase your leads

After some time you haven’t received the answer you were expecting. You have taken all reasonable steps to achieve your goal, but the results so far are scanty. Then you get irritated because there is no way to understand it, and that’s completely normal. You have the house that everybody would dream of: it’s nice, it lies in a centric district and the price is a bargain.  But you haven’t been able to sell it yet. But hang on. Before you start kicking and shouting, take a deep breath. Count to ten, if necessary. After that, take a look at your ad again. You notice there is something missing, right? Sure, because we need to look at things in perspective. The presentation of your house suddenly seems poor.  That’s likely because you have underestimated the relevance of your listing. Well, recognizing a mistake means a lot. Now, ask yourself this question and try to be honest: would you rent or buy your house thanks to the ad you have published? If your answer is no, even if you are hesitating, you should follow up these recommendations in order to improve the quality of your advertisement. Because the packaging is important, provided of course that you guarantee what you offer.

1. Take your time with your photos:

They say a picture is worth of a thousand words. That’s why the eyes of any person that sees your ad will point at your photos. This will be the first thing they will do. Don’t post just anything.

Make your home look nice dedicating some time to your photos. Prevent the images from being blurred, straighten your photos if they are skewed, ensure that the client doesn’t harm his sight by looking at the photos if they are dark. And don’t let anyone appear in them! Remember that you are advertising your home, not your friends that accompany you while you are taking photos.

It’s important that you publish images of all the rooms of your house. These pictures will become your letter of introduction. Take it seriously.


2. The right description is the clue:

It is true that images are important, but when accompanied by an effective, understandable and faithful description, your ad will increase its potential.

Describe the characteristics of your home in an inspiring way; think that when someone would read it they should want to live there, but of course, avoiding any lie. You can emphasize the strong points of the property, for example, does it have a lot of natural light? Say it! Does it have a lot of storage space? Say it! Does it have beautiful views? Say it!

Moreover, clients will always thank an accurate description of the atmosphere of the neighborhood, and the specification of the distances to important places like schools, subway stations, supermarkets, etc. They want to know where they wish to live!

At the end of your description, don’t forget to add a call to action inviting them to call you and visit the home, making a sense of urgent.

3. Repair what needs to be repaired:

Nobody would wish to rent a house with flaking walls. Nobody would pay attention to a property with a garden overrun with weeds. Yes, surely you are thinking of the repair costs. But it is better to invest in the reparation than advertising your house with damages. If nobody takes notice of your ad as a result of the poor state of the facilities, how do you intend to rent the house? Add a fresh coat of interior paint, mow de lawn and trim the hedges of your garden. Your cell phone will start ringing very quickly.


4. Cleanliness & order, don’t forget it:

If spiders will live under the same roof as prospective tenants without paying their rent, that means that your house is crying out for an emergency cleaning. Potential clients must be able to see the furniture that decorates different rooms reflected on the floor. Dust and dirt make buyers go away, and this shows the advertiser in a poor light. Take a broom and a bucket of water to clean the house before publishing any photo. The person who visits your home will also be grateful.

5. Nobody gets lost with a map:

To determine the exact location of your house is essential for any aspirant who wants to live in it.

Besides, adding the address to the description of your property, is a good idea to put a dot on a map in order to prospects buyers or tenants can know exactly where it is.

Also, be so kind to provide further details for those who get lost easily. This will save energy and time during their research.

It would come as no surprise for you that the melody of your cell phone became your personal soundtrack after having read these tips. If you take care of your advertisements, someone will take care of your house.