Show your property some love in order to sell or rent it quickly.
Today is Valentines Day. For some this means showing someone how much we care about them. Will you woo them with a pretty bunch of flowers, a meal in the best restaurant in town or a delicious box of chocolates to make them fall in love with you? But how do you woo people with your property if you are selling or renting it? Follow our tips to make every person who walks through the door fall madly and deeply in love with your pad.
1. A book is judged by its cover.
We all want to create a good first impression so it is unlikely we would turn up to a date late and without having brushed our hair. So make sure you give your property the same love ahead of a viewing. Take time to tidy up, clean, and even just straighten the cushions. This can take literally minutes but will count for a lot.
2. Select the lighting.
A meal over candlelight is not too bright and not too dark. Carefully set the lighting for your property to in order to show its best features. Start by picking warm white light bulbs for the main bedrooms to give a softer feel rather than bright white bulbs that are suitable for the kitchen where good light is needed to prepare food. Open the curtains and use freestanding lights rather than overhead spots for a warmer feel. Remember it is important that the lighting is right for photographing the property as well as for viewings.
3. Dress to impress.
Roses are reds, violets are blue, put some fresh flowers in your pad, to make it alluring like you! Remember to dress your property as home to enable people to easily imagine living there. It is a fine line to achieve this as you do not want to make people feel like they are camping out in someone else’s home. Remove family portraits and personal belongings, and add modern and contemporary accessories to create a hotel impression.
4. Share the love.
If you are there for the viewing, be helpful but give people a proper chance to look round and poke through your cupboards without feeling watched. Don’t over sale as this can put people off, but run through the reasons you love it that may not seem obvious. This could the low utility bills it experiences, the thick sound proofing walls or simply the convenience to the closest supermarket.