A picture says a thousands works so make sure you get it spot on!
You have secured a new listing and now you just need to sell or rent that property. And fast! Do this by ensuring your client’s property gets exactly the coverage it needs by advertising it for free on Dot Property, but make sure the image shows the property at its best by following these quick and easy tips.
1. Tidy and remove any personal belongings.
Make up the beds, smooth out the duvet, line up the cushions, tie back the window dressings and even put the toilet seat down. Declutter to ensure the property does not look overcrowded and take a few test photos once you have made your changes to see if they have made a positive impact. Imagine the property is a five-star hotel and present it just like this.
2. Select suitable lighting.
Don’t photograph a room that is blazing in sunshine or in the pitch dark. Open the curtains, play around with the lighting and be mindful of any unwanted reflections. Taking a good photo is an art form so don’t rush it.
3. Use proper equipment.
If you can, use a proper camera with a wide angled lens as opposed to a smart phone to make a real difference. Buying the right equipment is a costly exercise but it is an investment that will go a long way and pay for itself very quickly.
4. Test and be choosy!
Once the property is ready for photos, test photograph it to ensure that it looks it best. You may find that bright blue rug in the centre of the room needs rolling up and putting aside for photos as the eye is drawn to it. And even if you have 20 photos, only upload the best ones you have. People get bored quickly and no one wants to trawl through repetitive or substandard images, so pick the best ones and if you aren’t happy with one, don’t use it.