Dot Property Philippines

4 Fun Ways to Let Your Friends Know that you’re Moving to a New Home

In this day and age where information is free and it spreads like wildfire, it’s no longer surprising when most of your closest friends are always informed about certain due to social media. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have made it possible for people to get connected online at all times and the people who are closest to them always get updates about what is happening with your life.


Just like having a birthday, a wedding, or an anniversary, moving to a new house is considered a special event that is worth sharing to your friends. This really helps, especially if you’re a single person and you need the extra help in moving some of your stuff. Or if you’ve already hired professional movers, having friends come over to your new home still helps, especially in watching the stuff the movers are hauling.

But simply putting a status update on Facebook or chatting your friends is too plain and boring. If you want to make the whole announcement fun and creative, here are a few tips on how to get yourself started:

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1. Create a Personalized Map: If you have the know-how when it comes to certain applications like Google Analytics, then you can create a customized map on Google Maps or Mapbox that will help your friends know where to find your new home. You can place directions, design custom icons for the landmarks near your house, and even embed images and videos for entertaining your friends while they are on their way to your new condo or apartment unit.

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2. Host a House Warming or Moving Away Party: Nothing beats having a house warming or moving away party with your good friends. And it doesn’t have to be a very extravagant get-together; what matters is that your friends and loved ones are their to celebrate it with you. If it’s a moving away party that you’re planning, be sure to give out your new address to your friends.

If you have a little bit of money on the side, why not do both? Your friends will probably love you for it!

3. Create a Facebook Event: One of the most common ways to announce important events online is through Facebook Events. Create a Facebook Events page for your upcoming house moving and you can also put up pictures and photos of the new house there. It’s usually a great idea to build your Facebook events page a month before the actual moving, so you can regularly place updates in the page while you prepare for the big M – day! (Moving Day)

Don’t forget to make your Events Page attractive and creative by putting up photos and uploading a cover photo.

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4. Create and Upload a Video: If you have a Facebook Events page, another great idea is to create and upload a video of you inspecting or giving a tour of your new home. It doesn’t matter whether it’s long or short, as long as its a fun video of you showing to your friends and family members the house where you’re moving into. If you can do a little editing to add some music to the video, then that’s fine as well. You can upload it in your Events Page so you can show it to your friends and family members.