Welcome in the Chinese New Year with achieving feng shui at home.
Chinese New Year falls on the 28 January. This will be the year of the rooster, an animal that is deemed to represent fidelity and punctuality since the rooster’s cry wakes people up. Those born in this year are said to be hard working, courageous and kindhearted. They like to ensure that their house is organised and neat so mark Chinese New Year with looking at how positive energy flows through your home with the art of feng shui with these top tips.
1. Console your front door.
Squeaking and creaking doors are said to sound like they are crying. Therefore every time you enter your home, the door could be crying out to you which inevitable will influence your mood. Improve its positive energy by taking some oil to your front door not forgetting your internal doors too.
2. Look above your kitchen cabinets.
Good feng shui dictates that there should not be a gap between the top of your wall hung kitchen cabinets and the ceiling as this is the place where dust and stale energy can easily be stored. Chi is unable to escape this space so consider filling the space with green plants, any ornaments or lighting that are all able to transform the energy.
3. Move your bed.
We spend more than a third of our life asleep so it is vital that the position of your bed is spot on. Ensure it is in the commanding position which means that when you are lying down in bed that you should be facing the door. However you should also not be be in line with the door. As this can sometimes be hard to achieve, you may need to use a mirror to be able to see the door from your bed.
4. Remove the television from your bedroom.
We live in a digital age where we love to have everything at our fingertips. Many of us try and switch off in the bedroom but if you cannot live without a television in your bedroom, then make sure you cover it up to avoid the television’s active energy being disruptive to a good night’s sleep.
5. Make sure your windows are kept clean.
The eyes to our world, it is important to keep windows clean to improve our outlook on life. This enables us to visualise the world around us so make cleaning the inside and outside of your windows part of your weekly maintenance of your home.