Who said that the world of real estate is all serious with no fun? Agents everywhere are getting more and more creative, and maybe a little bit hilarious, when it comes to producing ads for the properties that they’re selling. Some ads are downright engaging, others will totally tickle your funny bone. Persquare collected the funniest real estate ads in the business. Read on and have a laugh!
1. Get in line pizza enthusiasts! Who wouldn’t want a free pizza in the day of turnover?
Source: http://news.buzzbuzzhome.com/
2. Well, that’s…reassuring.
Source: buzzfeed.com
3. How will we click it if it’s a print ad? *face palm*
Source: buzzfeed.com
4. You know that you’re in good hands when your agent’s partner is a puppet.
Source: http://news.buzzbuzzhome.com/
5. Your friend, Mary Jane, can finally visit!
Source: buzzfeed.com
6. This ad knows the pain.
Source: http://real-estate-websites.ca/
7. Now that’s a reason!
Source: http://www.renews.com.au/
8. That’s an offer no one can’t resist!
Source: http://www.turnerresidential.com/
9. We now live in a world where this is possible.
Source: huffpost.com
10. We all know that the chicken part is the most important part.
Source: buzzfeed.com
11. It’s scorching hot in here!
12. Brendan is the master of the real estate game
Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/chicagos-real-law-blog/files/2015/08/realestate.jpg
13. It’s good to know that this property is owned by humans…and not by anyone else.
Source: http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/replicate/EXID30843/images/Human_Owned(1).jpg
14. Photoshop fails never fails…
Source: http://editorial.designtaxi.com/news-philjones2301/1.jpg
15. Typos can ruin reputations…
Source: https://wp-assets.dotproperty-kh.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/03/10073217/V-By-Crown-Sydney-Penthouse.jpg
16. If you’re a mice enthusiast, then this property is for you!
Source: http://www.zameen.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/for-sale-Mice-Included.jpg
17. At least you know that you won’t be in danger….
Source: enhanced.buzz.com
18. Just giving you a heads up!
Source: christopherfountain.wordpress.com
19. Pro tip: it wouldn’t hurt if you proofread your ads every now and then.
Source: http://thelaughingstork.com/
20. Someone just doesn’t care anymore…
Source: //www.madman.com.au/
Good job realtors! Keep them coming!