Prime Warehouse for Sale in Plainview Mandaluyong City!

Metro Manila, Mandaluyong, Plainview
Sale: ₱ 60,000,000
Warehouse / Factory for sale in Plainview, Metro Manila
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Listing ID: 0791f39e-41be-403d-be3a-7d2ec903128a

Warehouse / Factory for sale in Plainview, Metro Manila

Prime Warehouse for Sale in Plainview Mandaluyong City!

🌟 Property Highlights:
* 381 sqm
* Currently Occupied
* With Existing 2 Storey Building

💰Selling Price: from Php 60,000,000 Gross Price


Contact: 0906-837-----
Facebook: Top Deals Property PH
IG: @topdealspropertyph

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Details on Rhonalyn Sinag

Listing provided by Rhonalyn Sinag, High Street South Corporate Plaza, 26th Street, Taguig, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Rhonalyn Sinag has 1,206 other listings.

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