FOR RENT Spacious Combined Warehouse in Floodway Area, Cainta, Rizal - RM42

Rizal, Cainta, San Juan
Rent: ₱ 540,000 / month
Full description

Listing ID: RM42

Warehouse / Factory for rent in San Juan, Rizal

Property ID: RM42

FOR RENT Spacious Combined Warehouse in Floodway Area, Cainta, Rizal

Floor Area: 2,400 sqm

Other Details:
4 Warehouse unit (600sqm each)
Can be rented separately/combined

RENT PRICE: P540,000 per month inclusive of CUSA, exclusive of VAT
Terms of payment: 3 months deposit and 12 PDCs
Minimum lease duration: 2 years


For inquiries (call/text/viber/whatsapp):

Paulo Roan - (0917) 895 - ----
Under REBL PRC#005565

If you have properties you want to sell or rent, please contact me at:
Instagram: @paulo.lspropertiesph
TikTok: @paulo.lspropertiesph
Facebook: LS Properties Ph

Thank you!

*The price stated is subject to change without prior notice. It is advisable to consult with the LS Properties Ph directly to obtain the latest and accurate pricing information.

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Listing provided by Paulo Roan | LS Properties Ph, One Global Place, 5th Avenue, Taguig, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Paulo Roan | LS Properties Ph has 638 other listings.

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