Warehouse For Rent Las Pinas 1,367sqm

Metro Manila, Las Piñas, Pamplona Tres
Rent: ₱ 456,200 / month
( Min. 3 years contract )
Warehouse / Factory for rent in Pamplona Tres, Metro Manila
Full description

Listing ID: 80ea113d-9330-49d1-9784-a701154b47ab

Warehouse / Factory for rent in Pamplona Tres, Metro Manila

Warehouse solo for rent or for lease located in industrial zone Las Pinas City.
Ideal for logistics operation or product distribution.
Class A facility
Stand-alone warehouse
High ceiling
With mezannine office
Elevated loading bays
Parking space
Comfort rooms
High Perimeter fence &gate
COVERED AREA=1,367sqm RATE=275.persqm LEASE=375,925.
OPEN SPACE=1,535sqm RATE=P50.persqm LEASE=76,750.
COMMON AREA=235sqm RATE=15persqm LEASE=3,525.
TOTAL LEASE=P456,200.per month
Lessee Only,Minimum 2-year contract,Lease plus vat
For more details pls contact Rene Almadrones
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Listing provided by Rene Almadrones, Manuyo Dos, Las Piñas, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Rene Almadrones has 181 other listings.

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Metro Manila, Las Piñas, Pamplona Tres
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