1466 sqm warehouse in STA MARIA BULACAN

Bulacan, Santa Maria, Cay Pombo
Rent: ₱ 236,000 / month
Warehouse / Factory for rent in Cay Pombo, Bulacan
Full description

Listing ID: 1466sqmstamaria

Warehouse / Factory for rent in Cay Pombo, Bulacan

Property Profile:

Location: Santa Maria, Bulacan

Floor Area
1466 sqm warehouse:
951 sqm covered area
515 sqm canopy

800 sqm – 3 units’ brand-new warehouse

high ceiling warehouse, with CR, no loading dock, w/ parking, single phase power electricity, 40 footer accessible, & industrial secured compound

Rental Rate: P 150 per sqm. + 12% vat, less 5% withholding tax

Terms of Payment: 3 mos. deposit & 3 mos. advance + PDC’s

Lease Period: 3 years minimum
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Listing provided by Kayoken Realty, Paranaque City, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Kayoken Realty has 92 other listings.

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Bulacan, Santa Maria, Cay Pombo
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