Warehouse for Lease in Binan, Laguna

Laguna, Biñan, Bungahan
Rent: ₱ 755,979 / month
Full description

Listing ID: e8338940-192a-42ce-ad8e-b64aafc6431e

Warehouse / Factory for rent in Bungahan, Laguna

Property Type: Warehouse
Category: For Lease / Rent
Handover condition:
Location: Binan, Laguna

Ground Floor: 1,782 sqm
Mezzanine: 146.52 sqm
Total: 1,928.52 sqm
Lease Rate: Php 350/sqm/month + VAT
Lease Term: Five (5) years
Escalation: 5% every year
3 months advance 3 months security deposit

Access to 40 footers
2 bathrooms

For inquiries/viewings, please contact:

John Fabio Basbano

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Details on Skye Properties - RE/MAX 8

Listing provided by Skye Properties - RE/MAX 8, Capital House, Lane South, Taguig, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Skye Properties - RE/MAX 8 has 669 other listings.

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