Warehouse for Lease in Muntinlupa

Metro Manila, Muntinlupa, Bayanan
Rent: ₱ 330,000 / month
Full description

Listing ID: 4934ebcf-c799-4d5b-8946-e35c2ff53325

Warehouse / Factory for rent in Bayanan, Metro Manila

Warehouse for Lease in Muntinlupa City

Total Area: 1,100 sqm
Rate: Php 300/sqm

accessible for 40 Footer Trucks

Good for storage and logistics

For inquiries, please contact:
Under PRC Lic. #026555

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Details on Skye Properties - RE/MAX 8

Listing provided by Skye Properties - RE/MAX 8, Capital House, Lane South, Taguig, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Skye Properties - RE/MAX 8 has 667 other listings.

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