1,214 sqm Lot for Sale in Nusa Dua Residential Farm Estate, Tanza Cavite City

Cavite, Tanza, Tanauan
Sale: ₱ 8,800,000
Land for sale in Tanauan, Cavite
Full description

Listing ID: TG-CP369

Land for sale in Tanauan, Cavite


1,214 sqm Lot for Sale in Nusa Dua Residential Farm Estate, Cavite

8.8M NET

Lot Area: 1,214 sqm

A Balinese-inspired community located at
Features & Amenities:
👉 Gate and guardhouse
👉 Showcase farm
👉 Balinese-inspired playpark
👉 Meditation hut
👉 Picnic area
👉 Tree house
👉 Fish pond
👉 Wantilan clubhouse (adult & kiddie pools, jacuzzi, game room, function rooms)

🔷 ️Corner lot
🔷 ️2 airconditioned nipa hut BEDROOM with toilet & bath
🔷 ️1 nipa hut BEDROOM with refrigerator, tv, and fan
🔷 ️Common toilet & bath
🔷 ️Native gazebo with ceiling fan
🔷 ️Native lanai with ceiling fan
🔷 ️With solar lights around the farm
🔷 ️With capiz lights hanging on the tree
🔷 ️Different varieties of vegetables, flowers, & ornamental plants
🔷 ️More than 50 fruit bearing trees (mango, avocado, pomelo, santol, guava, kaimito, balimbing, duhat, sampalok, guyabano, jackfruit, sinigwelas, durian, banana, papaya, dragon fruit, kalamansi)
🔷 ️Free-range chickens with native house
🔷 ️Big aquarium for tilapia
🔷 ️ Deep well/ 24-hour water system
🔷 ️Meralco line
🔷 ️Clean & updated papers

Taxes and fees will be shouldered by the buyer including CGT.
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