Pulilan Bulacan lot for SALE/RENT near exit 500 meter near NLEX exit

Bulacan, Doña Remedios Trinidad, Sapang Bulak
Sale: ₱ 140,153,000
Land for sale in Sapang Bulak, Bulacan
Full description

Listing ID: MAD770

Land for sale in Sapang Bulak, Bulacan

Pulilan Bulacan lot for SALE/RENT near exit 500 meter near NLEX exit
10,781 square meter
good for parking Yard
no flooding, already converted by the zoning board - city councilors, tapat Ng bypass and new hope agri, before nestle frontiera
no truck ban
in and out
good for trailer
P30 peso per square per month rent
P13,000k per squared meter nego price
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