2.7 has industrial lot with warehouse in Tanza Cavite near Centennial Highway

Cavite, Tanza, Sahud Ulan
Sale: ₱ 270,450,000
Land for sale in Sahud Ulan, Cavite
Full description

Listing ID: TANZA 2.7HAS

Land for sale in Sahud Ulan, Cavite

Industrial lot with existing warehouse in Tanza Cavite.
Lot Area: 27,045 sqm
Floor Area: 5000sqm of warehouse, 200 sqm of office and guardhouse.
(Price quoted is net of all taxes and expenses for the seller)

Located inside a gated compound.
Warehouse is currently tenanted for another year.
6km from Cavite Export Processing Zone. 2km from McDonalds/ Jollibee/ Puregold Tanza.
No flooding even in 100 year flood maps.
1 hour away from Metro Manila.
This is a great deal as the warehouse is basically discounted in the sale.
Warehouse includes large beams with overhead cranes.


Thank you very much.

Arch. Joseph C. Chua
Architect / Planner / Real Estate Broker
REBL PRC#7256; Architect PRC#12331
Environmental Planner PRC# 2957
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Listing provided by Arch Joseph Chua, Pasay City, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Arch Joseph Chua has 213 other listings.

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