Residential Lot for Sale in Marcelo Green Village, Parañaque City

Metro Manila, Parañaque, Marcelo Green Village
Sale: ₱ 14,356,000
Land for sale in Marcelo Green Village, Metro Manila
Full description

Listing ID: 7b405bd1-44c8-42fa-87d3-aeaab5aa5690

Land for sale in Marcelo Green Village, Metro Manila

📍Gemblock Block 23 Lot 14
🔹Lot Area: 388 Sqm
🔹As Is Where Is
🔹Mortaged with BPI at P77,000.00/monthly amortization
🔹Mortgaged can be assumed (similar monthly) if buyer is BPI Preferred or simply submit BPI Application Form
To pay off mortgage with BPI: P9,785,731.18
🔹One of the quietest areas in Marcelo Green Village (MGV)
🔹Has 3 Gates (1st: Main Gate of MGV, 2nd: Phase 2 Gate, 3rd: GEMBLOCK Gate)
🔹GEMBLOCK is safe with CCTVs
🔹Roads are mostly asphalted
🔹GEMBLOCK has 88 properties only making it more private than most
🔹Lot shape is rectangle making it easy to build desired house
🔹Orientation: West
🔹Price: Php 14,356,000 Gross
🔹Price per Sqm: 37,000/Sqm

For Inquiries & Viewings, please contact me.

Your Partner in Real Estate,

Jeff Poon
Assistant Sales Manager
M: +63 917 321 ----
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Details on Jan Jeffrey Poon

Listing provided by Jan Jeffrey Poon, High Street South Corporate Plaza, 26th Street, Taguig, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Jan Jeffrey Poon has 1,819 other listings.

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