Commercial Lot for Sale near SM Clark

Pampanga, Angeles, Malabanias
Sale: ₱ 30,000,000
Land for sale in Malabanias, Pampanga
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Listing ID: 01949d6c-cf33-73fc-abd4-658a9067cf44

Land for sale in Malabanias, Pampanga

It is a 494sqm prime lot. Located in a busy place along main road of Hensonville-Josefaville, Angeles City. Near Kandi Tower and Prime Asia Hotel. 5minutes walk to Fields Ave. 10 minutes walk to SM Clark. Ideal to built a hotel, condos, restaurant or shops. Recommended to anyone who wants a good investment. If interested message me on
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Details on Amelia Adriano

Listing provided by Amelia Adriano, Angeles City, Pampanga, Pilipinas. Amelia Adriano has 9 other listings.

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