Lot For Sale in Peak Central Monterrazas Guadalupe Cebu City

Cebu, Cebu City, Luz
Sale: ₱ 28,388,000
Land for sale in Luz, Cebu
Full description

Listing ID: 01910e08-4f74-7ee4-ac46-b45996f955b9

Land for sale in Luz, Cebu

Peaks Central
Block 6 Lot 2
Lot Area: 604 square meter
Price: Php 28,388,000.00

Reservation Fee: Php 300,000.00
Option 1: Spot Cash
Option 2: Deferred Cash
Option 3: Bank Financing

Resort type clubhouses at The Peaks
Multi-sport courts
Trails for walking or jogging
Clustered communities
Scenic view deck
Playgrounds and pocket parks
Leisure areas
Village administration
Village town centres
Cluster gates and guardhouses
Commercial areas
Fully concreted road network
Electrical distribution system
Centralized water distribution network
Integrated drainage system
Telecommunication and cable TV network
Professionally managed maintenance
24 hour security services
Minimal ecological disturbance
Nature protection provisions

For Your Assistance Please Contact:
Fredelito A. Asegurado
Globe/Viber/WhatsApp: +63 945-249-159four
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  • Swimming pool Icon Swimming pool
  • Security Icon Security
  • Car park Icon Car park
  • Garden Icon Garden
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Details on Fredelito A. Asegurado

Listing provided by Fredelito A. Asegurado who have 3,102 other listings.

To view this property or request more detail contact the Agent by Calling or Emailing.

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