500sqm Lot for Sale in Dao, Dauis, Bohol I BOHOLANA REALTY
Bohol, Dauis, Dao
Sale: ₱ 1,750,000
Full description
Listing ID: 0237_BHL_DauisaDao_LO_500sqm_REB
Land for sale in Dao, Bohol
Location: Dao, Dauis, Bohol
Lot Area: 500 sqm
Price: P3,500 per sqm
Total Selling Price: P1,750,000
2 lots available:
*500 sqm Lot - Titled
*500 sqm Lot - Tax Dec
- 2-3 min. drive to the main highway
- Near Gas Station
- Near Italian Restaurant & Mini Mart
Contact Details:
REBrokerLic. # 0013887
REAppraiserLic.# 0005686
(Text Only)
(Tagbilaran City Office - Documentation Services)
( Dao Dauis Office Highway near Sicily Resort/Bee Farm for all Dauis-Panglao Ocular Site Visits)
#BoholanaRealty -
#LawyerBroker -
#Boholand27Ticketing -
#BoholanaEStore -
PROPERTY LISTING DISCLAIMER: The developer/seller/owner has the right to change the price and other payment schemes without prior notice to us. The developer/seller has a rule: First Come First Serve rule which means the available unit for today might not available tomorrow. Furthermore, BOHOLANA REALTY would like to inform you that our prices here are not from us but from the developer/seller/owner, we do not add extra charges or change the true price. We strictly follow the rule of transparency in our company. If there is any discrepancy of the price it might be a typographical error or the listing is not updated but still available or there is a possible available reopen soon that is why the listing is still active and online. If you have other property requirements in mind please do not hesitate to send us an email or a text message we prefer text over a phone call as I might be driving during your call or with a current client as well).
Thank you for your kind understanding. Have a great day ahead!
#BoholanaRealty #BoholProperties #Philippines #TagbilaranCity #BoholRealty #AffordableLots #Bohol #BoholIslandProperties #PanglaoProperties #ForSale #ForLease #BoholIsland #Panglao #Dauis #PanglaoIsland#CebuCity #Cebu #Realtor #BoholAgency #Boholana #Commercial #Residential #Resorts #Land #Bohol #BoholRealEstate #BoholRealty #TagbilaranCity #Dauis #Panglao #TagbilaranCity #Dauis #Panglao #BoholRealEstate #BoholRealty
Lot Area: 500 sqm
Price: P3,500 per sqm
Total Selling Price: P1,750,000
2 lots available:
*500 sqm Lot - Titled
*500 sqm Lot - Tax Dec
- 2-3 min. drive to the main highway
- Near Gas Station
- Near Italian Restaurant & Mini Mart
Contact Details:
REBrokerLic. # 0013887
REAppraiserLic.# 0005686
(Text Only)
(Tagbilaran City Office - Documentation Services)
( Dao Dauis Office Highway near Sicily Resort/Bee Farm for all Dauis-Panglao Ocular Site Visits)
#BoholanaRealty -
#LawyerBroker -
#Boholand27Ticketing -
#BoholanaEStore -
PROPERTY LISTING DISCLAIMER: The developer/seller/owner has the right to change the price and other payment schemes without prior notice to us. The developer/seller has a rule: First Come First Serve rule which means the available unit for today might not available tomorrow. Furthermore, BOHOLANA REALTY would like to inform you that our prices here are not from us but from the developer/seller/owner, we do not add extra charges or change the true price. We strictly follow the rule of transparency in our company. If there is any discrepancy of the price it might be a typographical error or the listing is not updated but still available or there is a possible available reopen soon that is why the listing is still active and online. If you have other property requirements in mind please do not hesitate to send us an email or a text message we prefer text over a phone call as I might be driving during your call or with a current client as well).
Thank you for your kind understanding. Have a great day ahead!
#BoholanaRealty #BoholProperties #Philippines #TagbilaranCity #BoholRealty #AffordableLots #Bohol #BoholIslandProperties #PanglaoProperties #ForSale #ForLease #BoholIsland #Panglao #Dauis #PanglaoIsland#CebuCity #Cebu #Realtor #BoholAgency #Boholana #Commercial #Residential #Resorts #Land #Bohol #BoholRealEstate #BoholRealty #TagbilaranCity #Dauis #Panglao #TagbilaranCity #Dauis #Panglao #BoholRealEstate #BoholRealty
Key features
Land area: 500 m2