FOR SALE: Residential Lot in Anvaya Cove, Bataan

Bataan, Abucay, Mabatang
Sale: ₱ 26,000,000
Land for sale in Anvaya Cove, Mabatang, Bataan
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Listing ID: LM - 143

Land for sale in Anvaya Cove, Mabatang, Bataan


Property Name: Anvaya Cove, Bataan
Selling Price: Php19M - Php26M plus VAT

Property Details:
Property Type: Residential Lot (5 lots available)
Lot Area: 600sqm +
Developer: Ayala Land Premier

Anvaya Cove is Ayala Land Premier’s first venture in leisure development. Its unique “mountains meet the sea” topography gives it the features of both a mountain retreat and a seaside resort.

A seaside residential community like no other, Anvaya Cove encompasses 470 hectares, from a 3.5 kilometer coastline to a peak elevation of over 130 meters above sea level. The development offers neighborhoods with distinctive environments set against stunning views of the mountains of the Bataan range and the waters of Subic Bay.

Careful planning has gone into keeping the natural lay of the land - splendid panoramas, open expanses, wetlands teeming with life, abundant forests -seamlessly transitioning into the architectural guidelines of the development. The homes and other structures are woven into the terrain using the airy and inviting Asian Tropical design aesthetic done in a palette of soft, earthy tones. Rolling asphalt roads and low-impact pedestrian paths preserve the natural beauty of the site. These verdant swathes of land encourage family bonding to flow from indoors to outdoors and easily into the activities and discoveries of the Anvaya Cove Beach & Nature Club found at its center.

For more details and viewing schedule, kindly contact;
Leila Mariz B. Madlangbayan
View Phone

Philip John S. Sia
PRC REBL No. 4869

-RMS Absolute-
About Anvaya Cove

Anvaya Cove is Ayala Land Premier’s first venture in leisure development.  Its unique “mountains meet the sea” topography gives it the features of both a mountain retreat and a seaside resort.A seaside residential community like no other, Anvaya Cove encompasses 420 hectares, from a 3.5 kilometer coastline to a peak elevation of over 130 meters above sea level. The development offers neighborhoods with distinctive environments set against stunning views of the mountains of...

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Details on Raissa Madlangbayan

Listing provided by Raissa Madlangbayan, VGP Center 6772 Ayala Avenue, Abenida Ayala, Legazpi Village, Makati, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Raissa Madlangbayan has 2,920 other listings.

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Bataan, Abucay, Mabatang
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