9,430sqm Lot for Rent Along McArthur Highway of Bamban Tarlac

Tarlac, Bamban, Anupul
Rent: ₱ 188,600 / month
( Min. 6 years contract )
Land for rent in Anupul, Tarlac
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Listing ID: 01929393-ffc0-7ff7-ba41-ce58846fb1f0

Land for rent in Anupul, Tarlac

9,430sqm Lot for Rent Along McArthur Highway of Bamban Tarlac

Location: Bamban Tarlac
*Nearby Areas
-Bamban Municipal Hall
-Schools (Public/Private)
-Public Transportation
-Grocery Stores

Monthly Rent: Php20 pesos per sqm or Php188,600
2 Months Deposit
2 Months Advance

Lot Area: 9,430sqm
Years of Lease: 5 Years to 15 Years
Escalation Fee: 3% Every Year
*Along McArthur Highway

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CV Houses Realty Corporation
REBL #0026354
REBL #0034894
REBL #0034895

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Listing provided by CV Houses Realty Corporation, 23-32B Yellowbell St. Timog Park Subdivision Brgy. Pampang Angeles Pampanga 2009. CV Houses Realty Corporation has 2,343 other listings.

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Tarlac, Bamban, Anupul
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