House for Rent in Camella Montserrat, Pajac Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu

Cebu, Lapu-Lapu, Pajac
Rent: ₱ 40,000 / month
( Min. 1 year contract )
House for rent in Pajac, Cebu
Full description

Listing ID: 2d586fc7-786f-4626-ae8e-6749d545e905

House for rent in Pajac, Cebu

House for RENT Camella MONTSERRAT

Pajac Lapu-lapu City Cebu
Near to Indiana Aerospace University

Rent: Php 40K monthly
Advance: 1months
Deposit: 2months
Contract : 1year
Details on Jude Embrado/Cebudreaminvestment

Listing provided by Jude Embrado/Cebudreaminvestment, Cebu City, Lalawigan ng Cebu, Pilipinas. Jude Embrado/Cebudreaminvestment has 2,947 other listings.

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