3 Bedroom House Ajoya Mactan

Cebu, Lapu-Lapu, Agus
Rent: ₱ 35,000 / month
3 Bedroom House for rent in AJOYA, Agus, Cebu
Full description

Listing ID: 34207a85-0607-498b-aec9-cd30820648af

3 Bedroom House for rent in AJOYA, Agus, Cebu

Ajoya Subdivision
Location: Cordova, Mactan Cebu

Bedroom: 3
Toilet & Bath: 3
Floor Area: 100 sqm
Monthy Rent: Php 35,000

features a central area with open type to celebrate family’s milestones,leisure pool and basketball court for fitness and sports activities, a green community area with where children can revisit the Filipino culture/ games enjoyed by their parents and apicnic area where you can spend the whole day thru.  This central amenity located along the river is created as a venue for family bonding and relaxation while enjoying the breeze and what nature has to offer.

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  • Security Icon Security
  • Car park Icon Car park
  • Children's area Icon Children's area
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