Private Secluded Commercial Space for Rent in Angela Village w/ Kitchen & Bathroom Extra Spacious Studio Type

Metro Manila, Las Piñas, Talon Kuatro
Rent: ₱ 32,000 / month
2 Bedroom Office for rent in Talon Kuatro, Metro Manila
Full description

Listing ID: a4525630-350e-1021-acf1-27605d5331d5

2 Bedroom Office for rent in Talon Kuatro, Metro Manila

📌 Second floor commercial office area for Rent

-40+40sqm (2 large rooms)
-Walking distance from gate
-PRIVATE OFFICE Inside Gated and Quiet Neighborhood (Residential and Commercial Community)
*2nd identical office w/the same layout & floor area also available

-With own bathroom area including a shower
-With own kitchen area (2 kitchens, 1 per room area)
-Parking Spaces outside building available for rent

📌 Great location, near multiple landmarks (eg. BF Resort Village, Alabang, etc)
-Shopping & Groceries: Robinsons Las Pinas, SM Southmall, Puregold
-With direct access through Alabang-Zapote Road, near Friendship route as well
- Near various schools (Southville, University of Perpetual Help, etc.)

📞 For further inquiries, viewings requests, and interested buyers, please contact:
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Listing provided by Elisea Property Holdings Inc. , Las Piñas City, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Elisea Property Holdings Inc. has 7 other listings.

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Metro Manila, Las Piñas, Talon Kuatro
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