2 bedroom Customize Preselling House and Lots for Sale in Rufina Heights Subdivision, San Fernando La Union

La Union, San Fernando, Tanqui
Sale: ₱ 3,980,000
2 Bedroom House for sale in Tanqui, La Union
Full description

Listing ID: 50097

2 Bedroom House for sale in Tanqui, La Union


As their home, created within a Georgian walled garden, comes to the market, landscape designer Anna Joyce and her husband, architect Allan Joyce, discuss collaborating on the project 20 years ago.

Anna: “For me, this house is fun, it’s playful. It reflects Al’s love of games, little tricks and humour: the wine rack-cum-staircase out on to the roof; the subtle, incidental, stainless steel steps out of the courtyard; the stepping stones over the pond as the access to the garden; the gaps in the floor of the ‘floating’ balcony; the different levels; the peeping windows; the secret bathroom and the bed under the stars. There are so many aspects which have delighted both children and adults while we’ve been living here.

“When Al first showed me the derelict walled garden site, I understood that there was potential. I never dreamed it would end up being so delightful.”

Key Information

Clean Title
Discounted / Promo
Pag-IBIG Accredited
with car park


SM San Fernando La Union, Robinsons Mall San Fernando ,

Starbucks coffee shop, Bahay na Bato, Namacpacan Church, Baluarte Ruins, Pebble Beach,Tangadan Falls,

San Juan Beach Resort, Kahel Resorts, Em Royalle Resorts, Final Options Resort, Kahana Resort, Awesome Hotel, Flotsam and Jetsam, or Kabsat, Ma-cho Temple, Halo-Halo De Iloko Balay, Thunderbird Resort, Aureo Resort, Poro Port Baywalk, and Grapes Farm Bauang



Robinsons Mall 4 mins. away

Thunderbird Resort and Casino 4 mins.

Police Station 6 mins.

SM Mall 7 mins.

City proper 7 mins.

CSI City Mall 8 mins.

Manna Mall 9 mins.

Converge ICT home wifi internet service

Preselling Modern Customized

price and availability might
change without prior notice, and the price here is based
on the old price it might change soon

proposed for 2 br, 3 br and 4 br as well

free home loan assistance

Pre selling, Standard Finish, Applicable promo for a limited time only, can be through bank, pag ibig or in-house financing

Free site tripping book your slot now!



Key features
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Listing provided by Maricar Muldong , San Fernando, Pampanga, Pilipinas. Maricar Muldong has 383 other listings.

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