3 Storey 5 Bedroom House For Sale in Balamban Cebu

Cebu, Balamban, Vito
Sale: ₱ 16,160,714
5 Bedroom House for sale in Vito, Cebu
Full description

Listing ID: 130

5 Bedroom House for sale in Vito, Cebu


The deep red Ruby is an expression of the fiery energy of the sun and royalty; inspires passion and devotion, brings prosperity and protection. It is believed that the Ruby brings peace and success to the one who owns it.


3- Storey House
Lot Area: 452 sqm/5,423 square feet
Floor Area: 320 sqm/3,443 square feet


Lower Ground Floor Plan: 70 sqm/753 square feet
Upper Ground Floor Plan: 143 sqm/1,538 square feet
Second Floor Plan: 107 sqm/1,151 square feet
5- Bedrooms
4- Toilet and bath
Master’s Bedroom + Walk in closet + Balcony
Bedroom 2 and Bedroom 3 + Bathroom
Guest Room/Den + Bathroom
Powder Room
1- Maids Room with Toilet and Bath
Living and Dining Areas
Wet and Dry Kitchens + Pantry
Laundry Area
2- Car garage
Organic Garden

List Price: 16,160,714.00

Less 5% Promo Discount: 808,035.00
Discounted Price after Promo Discount: 15,352,678.00
Add 12% VAT:1,842,321.00
Discounted Price w/VAT: 17,194,999.00

20% Down payment/Equity: 3,438,999.00
Less Reservation Fee: 100,000.00
Net Down payment/Equity: 3,338,999.00
Monthly Down payment/Equity: 278,249.00 in 12 months
80% Remaining Balance thru Bank Financing or In-House Financing
Loanable Amount: 13,755,999.00
Key features
  • Air conditioning Icon Air conditioning
  • Security Icon Security
  • Car park Icon Car park
  • Electricity Icon Electricity
  • Built-in kitchen Icon Built-in kitchen
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Details on Marie Veranda

Listing provided by Marie Veranda, Talisay City, Cebu, Pilipinas. Marie Veranda has 325 other listings.

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