For Sale 4 Bedroom House in Cavite near Tagaytay

Cavite, Silang, Narra II
Sale: ₱ 9,415,660
4 Bedroom House for sale in VERONA, Narra II, Cavite
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Listing ID: 313fcf16-63f0-4795-97c3-7b82fc199fca

4 Bedroom House for sale in VERONA, Narra II, Cavite

Suntrust Verona ( House and Lot )

Theme: Italian Concept

Santa Rosa is the premier City and hub of South Luzon. It is also know as the Lion City of south Luzon. A world class smart and green city with a sustained and inclusive economic growth.

The City of Santa Rosa, is suburban town with some major attractions for tourists. Accessible via south Luzon expressway and the exit point to the cold fun filled area of tagaytay.


60% - 70% OFF vs cost of Tagaytay prime properties
40% - 50% OFF vs cost of Santa Rosa prime properties
365 days of cool weather
Enjoy the best of booth worlds

Brgy. Pook, Silang Cavite

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Your location away from the urban hustle and bustle means you enjoy a more relaxed pace. Now, every day is a good to play. Head out with your family to Verona's very own playground nearby.And with you home only 15 minutes away from Tagaytay, enjoy cool, refreshing weather as you bond outdoors.

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Listing provided by Franklin Naz, Manila, Kalakhang Maynila, Pilipinas. Franklin Naz has 5,061 other listings.

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